Board of Directors

Djohan Arifin

The Working Motto of Anindojaya Swakarsa
- Rely on the guidance and grace of God the Creator of heaven and earth, Allah is the Creator of us all and the universe. God Almighty, in running PT. Anindojaya Swakarsa from the start so that it could develop from 1 very small trader in 1997 with a capital of only Rp. 10.000.000, – (USD 4,000) is one of the respected and trusted Traders in Indonesia and in other countries
- Work hard and smart, focus, tenacity and unity. Hold training – ongoing training
- Every employee can develop a career at PT. Anindojaya Swakarsa, with work performance, loyalty, integrity not because of race, ethnicity, religion.

Become a blessing for
the glorious and spontaneous country.

Be a blessing for the principal, partner, customer,
employee, owner, state and nation of Indonesia and become a blessing where God brings PT. Anindojaya Swakarsa
Achievement of Vision and Mission
What will we do to achieve our vision and mission, Allah is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, God Almighty, trust us;
PT. Anindojaya Swakarsa realizes that we can succeed as we are today because of the blessing of God Almighty, therefore we are determined to be a blessing for everyone involved in the business of our company, starting from suppliers, all our partners, customers, employees, owners, the nation and state of Indonesia, and where God Almighty took PT. Anindojaya Swakarsa to the nations and brings the blessings of the nations to Indonesia by supplying pharmaceutical raw materials, raw materials for veterinary medicine factories, raw materials for human food, raw materials for animal food, raw materials for cosmetics, for the quality chemical industry good and competitive prices.
- Creating, Training & Implementing Clear Standard Operating Procedures
- Fixing and Updating as well as Enhancing & Upgrading The Exiting Working Process
- Evaluating and Assessing Work Performance
- Implementing Clear Job Description
- Contributing all Resources from self to Execute the job from, and, for the company
- Working with full Responsibility and Integrity
- Conducting all policies and regulations from the Management with Discipline
- Coming on time
- Reporting on time
- Conducting Good Corporate Governance & Administration
- Conducting and Compliance With Company’s Regulation
- Receiving and Listening to Constructive Feedback From Others for Company’s Benefits
- Communicating Openly Inter-Departement
- Coordinating Well Inter-Departement
- Giving Support and Synergy to Achieve Goals & Company’s Objectives
- Consistenly Doing Coaching & Training
- Building Knowledge & Skills
- Encouraging Initiatives & Creativity
- Sharing Knowledge With Each Others
Our Milestone

PT. Anindojaya Swakarsa was established based on the Notary Deed of Darbi, SH on December 4, 1993. To maintain integrity, I started my business in the furniture sector, a field that I did not really master and I only did it on Saturdays because Monday to Friday I was still worked as a Senior Manager of PT. Menjangan Sakti. This resulted in the capital that I used from the sale of 1 unit of my house to run out within 1 year, so the furniture business stopped after 1 years of operation.

I started running my business again on July 1, 1997 after getting permission from Mr. Jimmy Sidharta as the owner of PT. Menjangan Sakti, where I can run a business in the same field that I have mastered for 17 years, namely the field of pharmaceutical raw materials. At that time, I only had capital that came from my appreciation prize after working for 11 year, which is Rp. 10,000,000, – (equivalent to USD 4,000). Although economically speaking, it is not possible to start a business with only the amount of capital from 2 months of salary, but because of goodwill, blessed and blessed by God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, in 1998 when there was a monetary crisis we got very much blessings .

In 2004 our company which was originally a Trader where we only received a commission from overseas suppliers, we were able to import pharmaceutical raw materials and sell for the local Indonesian market. Our company continues to grow and also imports raw materials for medicinal factories, human food raw materials, pet food raw materials, cosmetic raw materials and general chemical raw materials.

Even during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic we were very blessed with the sale of products that people were looking for at that time and we’re the only one that had the stock at the time. Even though we had experienced a decline in turnover for several months in 2020, we are ready to produce some raw materials for the food industry, and in 2021 we will start producing raw materials for the food industry with raw materials originating from Indonesia.

Don’t Hesitate to Contact us for any Information